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"The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms."
— Socrates



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CHP Glossary of Terms

Disclaimer:   Read it!


CHP Glossary of Terms NOTE:   Please keep in mind that the MMS protocols mentioned here are still evolving, and will continue to be improved upon as new discoveries are made.
ALSO: When dealing with chemicals and compounds and solutions, take note and DO NOT get your 'ides' and 'ites' and 'ates' mixed up, or atoms, and molecules, and compounds, or your base compounds versus 'Di-', 'Tri-', etc. (or Calcium vs. Sodium vs. Chlorine) — Chemistry is a Wonderful and Many Splendored Thing, but can also be dangerous, so always be VERY careful, cautious, and mindful.


••  This alphabetical Glossary of CHP terms should provide useful for reference and can also help give a quick overview of what constitutes the world of MMS / CDS / CD / ClO2 and the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle.






























You do not have to be unhealthy, sick, ill, dying, or near death (almost everyone, almost all of the time), barring some extreme or egregious scenarios (examples might be Type-I Diabetes and other genetic diseases), or, obviously, if you have reached your natural life span at some older age, or have some extreme or egregious physical or mental injury or incapacity, etc... • And the same goes for your companion animals. • Most of these "seemingly" extreme or egregious health issues, some of which are thought to be "incurable" and/or fatal/terminal, seem to be able to be "cured" (or helped / improved, and even damage-reversed) using the information provided on this website (introduced and explained briefly here, and linked to elsewhere for in-depth reading, study and research). This includes life-threatening and incapacitating diseases, illnesses, and related health issues. (NOTE that we try to not use the "cure word", and in stead like to use "Health Restoration") • These health issues include, as an incomplete list, COVID-19, Flus, Common Cold, Cancers (most/all), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), diabetes, fibromyalgia, lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), human HIV (cat FIV), hepatitis 'X', Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Crohn's, colitis, stomach ulcers (and other ulcerative problems around the body), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), most allergies, eczema, psoriasis, acne and other skin issues, heart disease, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) & other lung disease, high blood pressure, hypertension and related illnesses, asthma, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis / rheumatism, Lyme's disease, viral and bacteriological infections, parasites, molds and fungal infections, migraines, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and other neurological disorders, various canine, feline, and other non-human animal health issues, and MANY (/MOST) others. • AND you will just naturally lose weight and be a healthy weight for your body type and size. (if you decide to incorporate the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, as well) • Some can be cured by dietary changes alone, and others (may/probably) need some help. (each person is similar, yet different) But MOST people are highly toxic and are in need of detoxification by using the CHP (MMS+) Protocols (which is the primary focus of this website). • That is what the empirical and anecdotal information suggests. And, anecdotal evidence known to be what it is, and obviously not as good as empirical evidence, do not let that dissuade you from seriously considering it and actively looking into it, because not all anecdotal evidence is 'bad' or wrong or invalid or unusable. Use your Universe-given brain and expansive mind to become aware, knowledgeable, and informed, so you can have an informed opinion, and make informed decisions and choices.
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