
Old and Gray
The Old Gray Lady (and Mare) just ain't what she used to be.
Non-Fake News
All the News that's fit to print.
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The views expressed by Me
are in no way endorsed by CBS,
any of its allied companies,
or, in fact, Me.

— Craig Ferguson
(CBS) "The Late Late Show"


Preface:  A personal note to start, for reassurance and encouragement, about "The 'Miracle' of CHP – The Clean Health Protocol".

CHP is part of a quickly growing Grassroots Health Revolution Movement .

This includes its sub-protocols, MMS (Master Mineral Solution), aka CD (Chlorine Dioxide + more), or the "Amber Herb" (my term), as well as the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle.

I may or may not be "wise", but I do have a genius-level IQ (+/-), not that that necessarily means anything, and in its own way is neither here nor there, as they say, but it doesn't mean 'nothing' either. I simply mention it to make the point that I am not some I-don't-know-what (?) who is talking about something he knows nothing about and is not "qualified" to talk about it. Any negative or derogatory thoughts down those lines would be FAR from the truth and reality of the situation.

Arguably, I am not as sharp as I was 30 or 40 years ago +/-, and my memory is not as good as it used to be, but I still "do better" than most people I know, meet, come into contact with, interact with, etc.... So at least there's that.

I am very well-read, highly objective, intellectually skeptical, have very strong Logic and Critical Thinking skills, and an extensive knowledge of, and keen interest in, science. (in a mostly hobbyist / lay-person-ish sense) Basically a 'scientific mind'. I had 'always' planned on becoming a scientist of some sort when I 'grew up', and I did become an Information Scientist. ("computer stuff")

And I have many years of self-study & learning about, and personal use & implementation of, Alternative Medicine and Treatments, Naturopathic Medicine, Wholistic & Holistic concepts, Herbology, and "Home Remedies". Basically the gamut of Natural & Complementary Medicinal Self-Treatment, Techniques, Methodologies, Therapies, & Philosophies, and related concepts. As well as Nutritional & Dietary Health Information. All in a Lay-Person sense & implementation. As one should, this is often augmented by Traditional Conventional Western Allopathic Medicine when needed.

    — BTW, DO NOT shy away from the concept of "Home Remedy", or allow any negative thoughts or feelings about them dissuade you from allowing this information to help you achieve Health Restoration. Some Home Remedies work very well, and what we discuss here is one of them / some of them.

Therefore, when I am talking about something, you can rest assured that I am most likely speaking from a very strong knowledge-based and well-informed viewpoint. I take a bit of pride in that fact. And then throw in a goodly dose of Science-oriented Objective Skepticism, and there really isn't much to complain about. (though people will and do – imo in an invalid, erroneous, and mistaken manner)

I have done a large amount of research, investigation, study, and learning on and about MMS — hundreds of hours; I know more about the subject than I ever wanted to know; that research continues. At this point, I am about as much of a lay-expert on the subject as a person can be.

Rest assured that I would NOT personally use something that I thought might harm me, and I definitely would not use something on my companion animals (or my sister or brothers, friends, etc.; note the listing order there) that might cause harm, or "suggest" that others use something that might harm them.
(In ALL Things, First, Do No Harm)

In my opinion, MMS is as safe as I can imagine something like it can be, and possibly or probably even MUCH safer than that. (and almost absolutely safer than most traditional / mainstream "medicines" and "treatments" — you've seen the commercial advertisements on TV – "Side effects include possible sudden death, anal leakage, blindness, and....")
MMS is almost definitely safe for human consumption and use, well Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, if not Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt, with basically ZERO negative side-effects.

And its efficacy seems to be unparalleled. (it literally seems to stand alone in that regard — if I 'believed' in such things, I would seriously consider referring to it as an honest-to-gods "Miracle Cure" — it is most likely the only thing we will ever find that seems to deserve that designation – this is not close to exaggeration, overstatement, or hyperbole)

The proof is in the pudding, as they say. If MMS was hurtful or harmful or anything of the sort, I would be hurt or harmed by it, as much as I've taken it over the last several years, instead of bettered health, increasingly better health, and Health Restoration. And the same would be true for literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of other people, all around the world. There's a "Clue" for you.

BUT, DO NOT just trust me and take my word for it. Read, research, investigate, study, learn. Educate yourself. Become informed, aware, and knowledgeable, so YOU can have an informed opinion and make informed decisions and choices about YOUR Health.
Exercise your personal responsibility. Do Your Due Diligence.

( And while you do so, BEWARE the lies, propaganda, misinformation and disinformation spouted by pseudo-intellectuals, sub-intellectuals and agenda-mongers (and some outright fear-mongers and scare-mongers) who will try to misinform you, and steer you wrong, and who DO NOT have your best interests at heart, no matter how loudly they exclaim or proclaim otherWise. I don't mean to be mean, but they really are mostly sad, unfortunate & pathetic, hyper-ignorant, myopic, petty, troglodyte simpletons, at BEST. I could use some other choice words for them (partly deserved by them because they are ACTIVELY hurting people through their hyper-ignorance and worse, and hidden and not-so-hidden agendas — for some of them it even seems to be some sort of an ignominious hobby, of sorts), but I will refrain from doing so (here). Skepticism and objectivity are good things, but ONLY when they are used for good and in good ways. It is of utmost importance that you are warned about this very sad state of affairs and these unfortunate people. You have been forewarned. Don't try to say I didn't warn you. )

And, in case you were wondering or concerned, I have absolutely no financial interest in or association with MMS, et al. (I expand on that in the disclaimer, which you should read) It is important to me that I have NO Conflict of Interest, and I take great pains to insure that is true. The fact that I have created this website (dozens of hours) and done all of this work without any, or any thought or expectation of, or interest in, remuneration, recompense, reward, or anything of the sort, should be a clue as to what I really think about MMS. (and the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle)

That said (with all due humility, in case you didn't notice and/or weren't paying attention — it's a joke, son, don't fall on your sword), read on...

(note that you might have to 'pardon my sense of humor' here and there — and, I suppose if, by chance, you think I am being "arrogant", or "egotistical", or something like that, try to let it go and do not let that negatively affect you and your chances at being Healthy and Well — don't sweat the small stuff and concentrate and focus on what is really important – Your Health and Well-Being)

Uno momento, por favor...
I hope you will agree to a "Contract" of sorts, that simply states that WHEN — NOT if – When CHP helps you Restore Your Health, you will incessantly, vociferously, and vocally sing its praises as I have done here and Spread the Word far and wide to anyone and everyone you know, or meet, or with whom you come into contact (whether they will listen or not). It is not anywhere close to too much to ask.
PLEASE Pay It Foward.
We have a world to help be healthy, after all, as well as the alleviation of so much completely unnecessary pain, suffering, agony, misery, and death. It's no small task, but it is very doable. And it is apparently up to us to do it. And, yes, WE CAN.



Hear ye! Hear ye!    Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!
READ the "Fine Print"!
Disclaimers are fun. Really they are.
You are seriously in for a treat. Enjoy the ride. [/sarcasm alert]

( NOTE that "this" is a 'necessary evil' and is for both My / Our protection and yours. We all need to be on the same page and know what's what. We / I want to help people, but I / We are NOT going to jail or being sued for some BS that some idiots come up with in their myopic, ignorant, gnarled little minds. If you do not understand that, then perhaps this site and information is not for you. Just saying, right up front. On the other hand, ignore this information at your own peril, imho / ioho. )

This Disclaimer represents our "Official Stance".

PLEASE NOTE that this Disclaimer also applies to any and ALL e-mails, verbal communications, discussions, comments, Q&A, 'support', and other forms of communication regarding the information contained hereon and herein with any and ALL people involved in that communication. (that is, "MMS", etc....)

Let's get this out of the way right off the bat.
Since what we are talking about here is effectively, if not actually, an "Home Remedy", NONE of the statements found herein and hereon regarding MMS/CDS/CD/ClO2 (et al.) have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency, or associated agency or organization, that we know of. (for the positive; OR for the negative, except anecdotally and too-often falsely, imo / ioo, for the latter)
MMS (Master Mineral Solution) has not been FDA (or AMA, or AVA, etc...) approved to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease or illness, etc., etc., etc...., ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Chlorine Dioxide (CD/ClO2) is also called MMS throughout this website (and vice versa), although CD is technically MMS1. ("Activated MMS" — and the same as above for MMS2 and anything and everything else 'discussed' here, unless specifically mentioned and noted otherwise)
And probably similarly for the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle. (?)

Vistors to this website, (alternatively, hereafter referred to as A Spoonful of 'Medicine', assume ALL risks involved in the use of any information found here.
(see the About page for info about why we chose this website and domain name)
Moreover, visitation here and reading of this website, or access to its content in any way, shape, or form, is implicit agreement to, acceptance of, compliance to, concession to, and capitulation to, in consensus, all "clauses" and provisions stated herein (below, and elsewhere, and hereafter for future revisions), according to best practices and honorable intent of the law, ethical scenarios, and content provider intentions, attempts and integrity of conduct.

A Spoonful of 'Medicine' is owned and operated (exclusively, or almost exclusively) by William Donnelly. Information on the A Spoonful of 'Medicine' website is updated erratically and sporadically, as time and interest allow. Neither A Spoonful Of 'Medicine', nor any owner, officer, director, employee, agent, representative, or anyone directly, indirectly, or remotely connected with A Spoonful of 'Medicine' warrants the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information contained herein, or referenced elsewhere, and shall not be liable, or held liable, for and/or from any and all loss(es) or liability caused or associated by such reliance on the validity, accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information. (or use thereof, etc...)
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, portions may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on information obtained from A Spoonful of 'Medicine' does so at his or her and their own risk. (this cannot be emphasized strongly enough)

When using information found on A Spoonful of 'Medicine' (or elsewhere, on and off the InterWebs), always exercise common sense and caution. Do Your Due Diligence!

In no way shall A Spoonful of 'Medicine' nor any agent, officer, or anyone directly, indirectly, or remotely connected with A Spoonful of 'Medicine', be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with, the use of this website or use of the information contained within and hereupon.

A Spoonful of 'Medicine' DOES NOT GIVE MEDICAL ADVICE. Period. (even if it seems to or "sounds like it is", you are misinterpreting our intent and execution) We try VERY hard to adhere to this concept.

A Spoonful of 'Medicine' contains information on many medical- / medicine-based, medical- / medicine-oriented, and "medical- / medicine-adjacent" topics; however, no warranty is made that any of the information is accurate. There is absolutely no assurance that any statement contained or cited touching on medical, or health, or "cure-adjacent", or Health Restoration matters, is true, correct, precise, or up-to-date.
(no matter how hard we try — Hey, EVERYONE makes mistakes and errors and is not perfect, so please always keep that in mind – it is part of The Human Condition, and there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it)

The overwhelming majority of the information provided herein is written, in part or in whole, by nonprofessionals, even when quoting or referring to information, comments, ideas, concepts, and statements made by so-called "professionals". Even if a statement made about medicine or health (etc...) is accurate, it may not apply to you or your symptoms or health, illness and sickness problems or issues.

The "medical / health information" (for lack of a better term?) provided on A Spoonful of 'Medicine' is, at best, of a general nature and cannot substitute for the advice of a medical professional (for instance, a qualified doctor / physician, nurse practitioner, nurse, pharmacist / chemist, and so on). A Spoonful of 'Medicine' is not a doctor, or anything of the sort. Nor do we EVER claim to be or purport ourselves as such, in any way, shape, or form, to any level or degree, or in any manner.

None of the individual contributors, system operators, developers, and/or sponsors (if we ever get any) of A Spoonful of 'Medicine', nor anyone else connected to A Spoonful of 'Medicine', can take any responsibility for the results or consequences of any attempt to use or adopt any of the information presented on this website.

Nothing on A Spoonful of 'Medicine' should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a medical opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine.

While every effort has been made to ensure that the information on this website is correct and accurate, information is compiled from numerous sources that may be in conflict or error. The information on this website should not be used for anything other than general interest information, and for personal self-education, edification, and awareness.

All information presented here should be researched, investigated, and studied by anyone visiting this site, using other viable and reliable sources, and double- and triple-checked. And then approached with caution, a mindful eye, and proper objective, skeptical, rational, and critical thinking, and the like.

A Spoonful of 'Medicine' makes no warranties or guarantees, express, stated, or implied, regarding the validity, accuracy, and content of the information found on this website, or, while we're at it, any website linked to by this site. (no matter how hard we try, and we try very hard)

Neither A Spoonful of 'Medicine' nor its operator(s) (etc...) will be held liable for any information, omissions, improper use of the information presented, or any violations of any law which may occur as a result of utilizing this resource. Information contained on this web site does not, necessarily, reflect the conclusions, opinions, or official position of ANYONE. (as far as we know, and as far as we're concerned)

"So, there." — But there is more....

The content provider(s) of this website are not medical doctor(s), or medical professional(s) of any kind, and none of the information presented here should be construed, interpreted, or taken as "medical advice". Equally, any references to the word "medicine" (or "cure", "heal", etc...) should be interpreted in the widest possible manners, in the sense of non-allopathic / naturopathic, wholistic and holistic, complementary, "alternative medicine", anecdotal "home remedies", and the like, etc. (except where references to "true", "accepted" medical-based issues are mentioned, that are supported by the American Medical Association (AMA), Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), WHO, CDC, AVA, etc.... — and thereby Caveat Emptor!)

Note that you will often see or hear the term "Health Restoration" used instead of words like "cure" or "heal". In fact, it would be wise and appropriate to simply think of and replace the term "health restoration" any time you see a reference to the word "cure" or "heal" or "medicine" and similar concepts. As well, it is, perhaps, best to think of and interpret "all of this" as a form of "Home Remedy", with all of the cautions and such one would take in that regard and with reference to and possible and/or potential and/or actual use of such. (since "home remedies" are WELL-KNOWN in concept and use and all that, and have been used literally for millennia, we can only assume people know what we are talking about here in that regard, etc.....)

"Practicing Medicine Without A License" is a very serious crime, and we would not, and will not, do that. (nobody in their right mind would) We DO NOT want to be involved in ANYTHING illegal, or even legal yet unethical. That is our VERY strong intent, and we think we have gone to great pains and painstaking effort to achieve those goals, while providing people with what we think is very important information so they can possibly (or most probably) better their poor health. That is, to achieve Health Restoration.

This information is presented solely for visitors' edification, education, and awareness, so they can become informed, knowledgeable, and aware, so they can have informed opinions and make informed decisions and choices. This website is simply an information nexus. Note that we do, in general, strongly oppose "BIG Pharma", the Medical Industrial Complex and the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex. (for the most part)

You might want to consider discussing anything you read here with your allopathic / 'western medicine' / mainstream medical doctor, and/or other medical and/or health professional(s) or practitioner(s) — or re-think doing that, as the case may be (though we suggest you may possibly or probably be putting yourself at risk doing so (the former), too much of the time, but that's just 'our' opinion), and/or discuss it with your alternative medicine 'doctor', if you have one.
You literally cannot be too careful, and cannot afford to not be very careful. We are talking about your health and well-being, and possibly life, after all, which is of utmost importance. (that is the point of this website, also after all)

Any mention of "curative", pro-health, and wellness-achieving scenarios (and so on), or "Health Restoration", should either be taken with a grain of salt, or listened to intently and followed with great care, depending on what you think would be best for you. (possibly in conjunction with and/or in consultation with someone you trust with your health and well-being and medical status, whomever that may be (supposedly / ideally a "medical/health professional"?))

Most of the information here is simply "one person's" testimonial and anecdotal stories about what worked for him, his companion animals, and/or other human and non-human animals he has heard about, or with whom he has come into contact, and the information about which he thinks might possibly or probably be of benefit to others. (after many, many, many hours of wide-ranging and fairly extensive study, investigation, and research, for whatever that's worth)
Our opinion is that, barring certain extreme and egregious scenarios, and most of the time: You do not need to be unhealthy, sick, ill, dying, or near death. (almost everyone, almost all of the time)

Use any of this information at your own risk, and by reading and learning about this information, or using it for your own personal use, and/or any other use, you hold harmless and indemnify anyone and everyone directly, indirectly, or remotely associated with it, or this website, and not liable in any way, shape, or form. When it comes right down to it, you need to accept and take responsibility AND accountability for your own health, and actions and inactions in regard to it.

Blah, blah, blah, .... (you know the spiel, and the reasons for it, or should) That is, the intent as suggested by the information mentioned on this page should be more than enough to be obvious to the point of being self-evident that we wish to stay well within the realm of both ethical and legal behaviors in regard to all of the information presented here on this website, and all of the information should be read, interpreted, seen, and used (if so chosen) with that in mind. (also, keep in mind that intention is often of utmost importance in most things)

Note that we are great proponents of the concept of "First, Do No Harm" (Latin: Primum non nocere), and seek to adhere to that concept at all times. Possibly, or probably (in effect if not actuality), more so than people who claim to adhere to it as (supposed) "professionals" in the medical fields and others;   i.e. – not only do we have the purist of intentions and actions in regard to helping other people, "we" have absolutely NO monetary involvement OR agendas (hidden or otherwise) in regard to ANYTHING discussed herein (well, except, ideally, to help people better their health (in a non-monetary sense)), and therefore have NO possibility of Conflict of Interest or anything of the sort, etc.... — another way to put it is that "our" hands are squeaky CLEAN.

Also note that we have taken great care in attempting to ensure that all of the information presented on this website is accurate, and true, to the best of our knowledge and ability. However, being humans, we make mistakes. We seek perfection, but will always fall short. As in all things, always attempt to verify information, especially that found on the InterWebs, with multiple sources that, as far as you can tell, are correct, truthful, and well-meaning. Double and triple checking is not a bad idea. We strongly encourage it.

To reiterate and sum up (more or less):

The contents of A Spoonful of 'Medicine', including text, graphics, images, information obtained from our licensors and all other content, should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction and is offered on an informational basis only. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this site. Readers should seriously take under consideration (one way or another) consulting appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being, including but not limited to, the following:

•   Making any adjustment to any medication or treatment you are currently using.
•   Stopping any medication or treatment you are currently using.
•   Starting any new medication or treatment.
•   More or less doing most anything in regard to your health and well-being.
(and good luck to you in these respects; you are probably going to need it — hey, at least 'we' are not jaded, cynical, or bitter about the "medical establishment", in the U.S., and around the world)

The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any and all injuries. (though, realistically, that is most likely not and never going to occur) No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. And so on....

You must understand that you alone are responsible and accountable for weighing the risks and living with the consequences!! (whatever you choose)

Besides, "What do we know?" You should not just take our word for it. Read, research, investigate, study, learn. Do yourself a favor. Become self-educated, aware, knowledgeable, and informed.
Do Your Due Diligence!

(ideally in "ALL things", or in as many things as humanly possible, as much as humanly possible) That will also help you spread the word to others and be able to speak with more authority, even if it is "just your opinion" (as it is ours, for the most part) — at least it will be an informed opinion. (and hopefully based on personal, positive, health-oriented and health-achieving experience, as well — Health Restoration – What A Concept)

"Good luck", although 'luck' should not come into play when it comes to your health and well-being.


WE have NO association with Dr. McDougall or anyone associated with him or his website or business interests or anything of the sort.

WE have NO association with anyone connected to MMS or anyone associated with it/them or their websites or business interests or anything of the sort.
(except as "third-party" concept-supporters and users of their information and/or products)

We have NO financial interest in or association with any people, or websites, or related products or services via sales or referrals or anything of the sort.

EVERYTHING on this website is "platonic", if you will, is offered FREE-Gratis, and is only being done for the betterment of people as a completely selfless scenario. Because We BELIEVE!
(although 'belief' isn't the right word-concept, because we have first-hand knowledge and experience of how well it works — replacing belief with personal knowledge is a worthwhile goal in and of itself in regard to most things)


A Spoonful of 'Medicine' reserves the right to change the terms, conditions, and notices under which this website is offered (above, here, and elsewhere), at any time, at our sole discretion, by modifying, adding to, or deleting information and content, and without the need or requirement to notify anyone of these actions. (or to keep track of any and all such actions)
Note that we occasionally update this page, and ANY and ALL changes APPLY and WILL be part of this Disclaimer, even for previous readings by anyone and everyone, retroactively. This is true to the fullest extent of the law, and/or with intent, and with acceptance, acquiescence, and compliance by any and all readers, viewers, and visitors. (otherwise, I suppose we have to ask you to 'go away' and not use any of this information and content and forget you saw it and read it, etc.)


AGAIN:   This Disclaimer represents our "Official Stance".


Now go back up to the top of this page and re-read this disclaimer information. (unless you've already done that once — we wouldn't want you to get caught in an infinite loop)


And just to be completely frank, up front, open, and "transparent", you should probably read this 'article' on the website. — For a 'laugh', imo / ioo, because it is basically a JOKE, but you should be informed and aware and make your own decisions and form your own opinions, with all available information, even poor, bad, and misleading information and misinformation, disinformation and propaganda. Just be careful rolling your eyes too hard or too much, you might hurt yourself. NOTE that we are perfectly comfortable doing this because We have NOTHING to hide.

And, while you are there reading, please take note that they offer absolutely NO backup data or information or references or anything of the sort regarding their claims of what "MMS"/CD is supposedly doing to harm people — most likely (almost absolutely) because they do not have them, because they most probably (almost absolutely) DO NOT EXIST.

This is typical of most claims like these by governmental agencies and so-called "debunkers", and detractors, who have been known to provide skewed, slanted, distorted, and highly biased 'information', along with hyper-flawed "analysis", and even actual HOAXED information, in the attempt to make it look like they are correct (when they are not), know what they are talking about (when they do not), to backup their asininity, etc...

Laughable Danger: Don’t Drink Miracle Mineral Solution or Similar Products
The FDA warns you not to drink sodium chlorite products such as Miracle Mineral Solution. These products can make you sick.

Perhaps someday we will pick apart this disservice and their claims point by point, including their fallacious claims, ridiculous statements, outright lies and fabrications, and so much more, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. —— In the mean time, I suppose I (or someone) could (most likely in vain) inform them and educate them and make them aware of the supposedly well-known detox-based Herxheimer Reaction, which is not uncommon, although rare, and can happen with ANY detox method, like water fasting, juice cleanses, Physician-treated Pharma-based heavy metal detox, and any and all other detoxification procedures and methodologies.

"Herxing" simply means you are detoxing too quickly. When you detox, the toxins have to be expelled by the body. This is done through the liver, kidneys, lungs, gastro-intestinal systems, and skin. So, if you detox too fast, you can get skin rashes, upset stomach or queasiness, nausea, diarrhea, "not feel well", or even vomit, the latter being a pretty extreme reaction. (which is why we ALWAYS take the approach of "Low and Slow" — start out with low concentrations and amounts, increased slowly over time, because you want to feel BETTER, not worse – that is the point, after all)

Which the 'article' above apparently thinks, or fallaciously claims, you decide which, that "MMS"/CD is thereby "making you sick" or "harming you", etc..... Sad that they are SO uninformed, and SO uneducated, and SO unaware, that they cannot even offer decent, valid, honest, truthful, and fact-based information to the public. Makes one wonder what else they are doing and claiming that is of a similar note, or even worse. (if you ever wonder where and why the phrase "Question Authority" comes from, it is situations like this)

Please take note that their asinine claims that Chlorine Dioxide is a(n) (industrial) 'bleach', and is therefore "bad", or "dangerous", are similar to what people used to claim about DMSO being "dangerous" because it is an "industrial solvent", before it was discovered that it could be used medically and is "completely safe". (when used correctly, as with all things) DMSO is also another "wonder drug" that really helps people's health and well-being in certain situations and scenarios. It should probably be used more. (it usually helps semi-miracuously with pain and inflammation)


This website is for personal and non-commercial use, and is copyrighted in toto. Except for legally defined "reviews" and Fair Use usage of SMALL "clips", you may not modify, copy, excerpt, distribute, transmit, publish, license, create derivative works from, or sell or give away any information, data, content, or services obtained from this website.
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This page Last Updated/Modified/Changed: Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023 (and many times prior)

You do not have to be unhealthy, sick, ill, dying, or near death (almost everyone, almost all of the time), barring some extreme or egregious scenarios (examples might be Type-I Diabetes and other genetic diseases), or, obviously, if you have reached your natural life span at some older age, or have some extreme or egregious physical or mental injury or incapacity, etc... • And the same goes for your companion animals. • Most of these "seemingly" extreme or egregious health issues, some of which are thought to be "incurable" and/or fatal/terminal, seem to be able to be "cured" (or helped / improved, and even damage-reversed) using the information provided on this website (introduced and explained briefly here, and linked to elsewhere for in-depth reading, study and research). This includes life-threatening and incapacitating diseases, illnesses, and related health issues. (NOTE that we try to not use the "cure word", and in stead like to use "Health Restoration") • These health issues include, as an incomplete list, COVID-19, Flus, Common Cold, Cancers (most/all), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), diabetes, fibromyalgia, lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), human HIV (cat FIV), hepatitis 'X', Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Crohn's, colitis, stomach ulcers (and other ulcerative problems around the body), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), most allergies, eczema, psoriasis, acne and other skin issues, heart disease, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) & other lung disease, high blood pressure, hypertension and related illnesses, asthma, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis / rheumatism, Lyme's disease, viral and bacteriological infections, parasites, molds and fungal infections, migraines, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and other neurological disorders, various canine, feline, and other non-human animal health issues, and MANY (/MOST) others. • AND you will just naturally lose weight and be a healthy weight for your body type and size. (if you decide to incorporate the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, as well) • Some can be cured by dietary changes alone, and others (may/probably) need some help. (each person is similar, yet different) But MOST people are highly toxic and are in need of detoxification by using the CHP (MMS+) Protocols (which is the primary focus of this website). • That is what the empirical and anecdotal information suggests. And, anecdotal evidence known to be what it is, and obviously not as good as empirical evidence, do not let that dissuade you from seriously considering it and actively looking into it, because not all anecdotal evidence is 'bad' or wrong or invalid or unusable. Use your Universe-given brain and expansive mind to become aware, knowledgeable, and informed, so you can have an informed opinion, and make informed decisions and choices.
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