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You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit.
If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple,
I'll buy you a new car.

— Harvey Diamond

The McVegan Dietary Lifestyle
   (Food As 'Medicine' for the Human Body)

Disclaimer:   Read it!

The Perfect Human Diet for Ultimate Health

If you want to skip directly to Dr. McDougall's website, please do so.   
Or, below you will find a pretty good summary overview of the information and our take on it all. Skimming & scanning the information below might be a good idea, as it will help you take in the information quicker, rather than having to spend a lot of time at McDougall's website, which is fairly extensive and comprehensive, so it can be somewhat daunting at first. You will also know what to look for once you are there and be able to deal with the information with less overload and it might not be so overwhelming for some.


McVegan -- McVeganism The second Sub-Protocol of CHP – The Clean Health Protocol, is the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, or McVeganism (our terms). Also known as Starchitarian / Starchetarian / Starchivore, or The McDougall Diet, and/or The McDougall Plan (John McDougall's terms), it is a natural, herbivorous / herbivorean lifestyle and food-style diet that every human animal should be consuming for optimal health and well-being. It is naturally illness-curing, body-healing, and health-promoting. (Dr. McDougall has helped thousands of people get well and be well)

Note that "diet" used here is not meant in the sense of "dieting", but as a particular selection of food and drink considered in terms of its qualities, composition, and its effects on health, especially as designed or prescribed to improve a person's physical condition or to prevent or treat a disease. See:

McVegan Dietary Lifestyle McVeganism involves a natural (ideally organic) wholly plant-based diet, high in starches / carbohydrates (which are NOT "fattening"), low fat, low sugar, low salt, NO "concentrated" and/or processed food stuffs, and NO Oils.

Yes, you read that correctly. NO Oils!! As in no concentrated vegetable oils of any kind, consumed in any manner, including as ingredients or as part of the cooking process. (yes, even olive oil, coconut oil, or whatever other oil you have been told is "healthy") Concentrated vegetable oils (and other concentrated foods) are cancer-causing and/or cancer-promoting, and/or poor and ill health causing and promoting.

There are many "fad" diets, and this is not one of them. To describe it as such is specious, at best. Those who claim that low-carb, high-protein diets (which are "true diets" and "true fad diets") are what people should be eating, for losing weight, or for better health, are sorely mistaken and misguided in the extreme. To a person, all of the "low-carb/high-protein" (fad) diet promoters / Risks Health Warning Signs creators are overweight and/or in poor health (or dead). These diets are unhealthy and even dangerous. Whereas those who suggest a McDougall-like high-carb, low-fat diet are lean and healthy. That should be a CLUE.

As merely one example, Robert Atkins, creator and promoter of the Atkins diet, was about 60 pounds overweight at the time of his death, and a medical report issued by the New York medical examiner's office a year after his death showed that Atkins had a history of heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension. His widow refused to allow an autopsy. We surmise that was because it would have shown how unhealthy he was, and all of the heart-related, and diet-related, health issues he had, which would have negatively affected his "legacy". (and future income, for his heirs, no doubt) Unfortunately, we will now never know for sure. But we cannot help but wonder if this was a "where there is smoke, there is fire" scenario.

For the record, Atkins died in his late seventies after a fall and head trauma. One would think that 'they' would have made attempts to show how healthy he was, otherwise, at the time of his unfortunate passing. (we fully expect that the others like Atkins will most likely die of ill health, probably related to their unfortunate dietary habits — and they are taking millions down with them)

In A Nutshell

In A Nutshell Something very telling about John McDougall is that, although he has published books about his 'diet', he also offers almost all of the information for free on his website. That is how you can tell that he is more concerned with helping people than making money. Caveat Emptor on others.

Generally speaking, following is a quick overview of the primary 'tenets' of McVeganism and what you can eat, and cannot / should not eat:

All of this information can be found in more detail and in-depth on Dr. McDougall's website. Along with explanations about why it is the truth. You can (and should) spend hours reviewing the information there. He also sells books and cookbooks. The better you know it, the stronger will be your understanding and conviction in doing it, incorporating it as part of your life, lifestyle, and food-style, and staying the course. It is easier for some people than others. But, no matter how difficult it is for you, because you will be changing habits created over many years of eating, that have basically become a food addiction, if you can stick to it, it will become easier and easier over a short amount of time, until it becomes second nature. Then it will be easy, and you won't even think about eating like your old, unhealthy ways. (you naturally won't want to)

Food Poisoning There is a "quick" learning book offered for free at the McDougall website titled, Dr. McDougall's Color Picture Book: "Food Poisoning". It is a nice, short, quick reference, that you also might want to read and study early on. McDougall created it so that people could easily and quickly get an understanding of the "McVegan Dietary Lifestyle".

Now it is time to visit Dr. McDougall's website and continue your learning journey.   

A Final Note About Veganism
    (without the 'Mc')

For the animals. For the environment. For your health. Although the word 'vegan' and its associated concept and definition originally meant a "strict" (more natural, more pure) vegetarian diet of no animal flesh (of course; and, yes, that does include fish and other sea food) or animal products and by-products (eggs, dairy, etc.), over the years the definition has changed and expanded.

Veganism is now (better) defined as an ethical lifestyle that not only includes being a strict vegetarian, as opposed to an Ovo/Lacto Vegetarian, but also to encompass more modes of non-violence in one's life, such as to not wear fur or leather (belts, shoes, purses, etc.), and to use not only Cruelty Free products (those that are not tested on non-human animals), but Vegan products (those that also do not contain animal products, like lanolin, "protein" (usually animal's blood), etc.). Unless one engages in a fairly extreme lifestyle, you cannot be 100% vegan in that sense, since so many things use animal products in them (like blood as a dye set in clothes, and other uses of "the whole animal"), we can all only do the best that we can do, and continuously try to do better over time.

[ Personally, I would like to see High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and GMO-based foods and the like also be excluded as not "vegan"... I think this will eventually occur as people become more aware, informed, educated, etc., and the term naturally expands in definition as it has over the last several decades ]

Reducing the unnecessary violence in our lives, as much as possible, and in as many ways as possible, and making our footprint on Planet Earth as small as possible, can only help to make each of us a better person, and thereby help to make the world a better place. Again, like most things, it is a journey and not a goal, or, perhaps better said, "a journey-based goal". Perhaps one day "McVegan" will encompass this expanded definition, as well. We hope so. (see the links page for more information — if you are particularly interested in this area, check out


Health Restoration via CHP Now you have been familiarized with the CHP Protocols. Usage of these protocols and information should be all most people need to achieve Health Restoration from almost anything that ails them. We hope that this includes you, the reader, if you are in need of such help. Please let us know if CHP – The Clean Health Protocol helps you with your health.

The website menu at the top left has more pages of information that should be of interest to most people.



You do not have to be unhealthy, sick, ill, dying, or near death (almost everyone, almost all of the time), barring some extreme or egregious scenarios (examples might be Type-I Diabetes and other genetic diseases), or, obviously, if you have reached your natural life span at some older age, or have some extreme or egregious physical or mental injury or incapacity, etc... • And the same goes for your companion animals. • Most of these "seemingly" extreme or egregious health issues, some of which are thought to be "incurable" and/or fatal/terminal, seem to be able to be "cured" (or helped / improved, and even damage-reversed) using the information provided on this website (introduced and explained briefly here, and linked to elsewhere for in-depth reading, study and research). This includes life-threatening and incapacitating diseases, illnesses, and related health issues. (NOTE that we try to not use the "cure word", and in stead like to use "Health Restoration") • These health issues include, as an incomplete list, COVID-19, Flus, Common Cold, Cancers (most/all), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), diabetes, fibromyalgia, lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), human HIV (cat FIV), hepatitis 'X', Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Crohn's, colitis, stomach ulcers (and other ulcerative problems around the body), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), most allergies, eczema, psoriasis, acne and other skin issues, heart disease, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) & other lung disease, high blood pressure, hypertension and related illnesses, asthma, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis / rheumatism, Lyme's disease, viral and bacteriological infections, parasites, molds and fungal infections, migraines, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and other neurological disorders, various canine, feline, and other non-human animal health issues, and MANY (/MOST) others. • AND you will just naturally lose weight and be a healthy weight for your body type and size. (if you decide to incorporate the McVegan Dietary Lifestyle, as well) • Some can be cured by dietary changes alone, and others (may/probably) need some help. (each person is similar, yet different) But MOST people are highly toxic and are in need of detoxification by using the CHP (MMS+) Protocols (which is the primary focus of this website). • That is what the empirical and anecdotal information suggests. And, anecdotal evidence known to be what it is, and obviously not as good as empirical evidence, do not let that dissuade you from seriously considering it and actively looking into it, because not all anecdotal evidence is 'bad' or wrong or invalid or unusable. Use your Universe-given brain and expansive mind to become aware, knowledgeable, and informed, so you can have an informed opinion, and make informed decisions and choices.
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